A Girl and One Coin

I love a good flashmob like the next person.  But what I saw from this one was a little girl placing a coin in a hat and what developed from there.
I can appreciate the immense amount of talent that these musicians have and the wonderful and inspiring music that happens.  I saw inspiration both physically and emotionally dominate the senses of an impromptu crowd.  I felt the notes move my senses as I watched both the musicians and the audience participate in one of those moments that comes and goes so quickly.  And I was left motivated to do something with all of this emotion, all of this joy, all of this inspiration.
How about you?  If all of this can be set in motion with a girl and one coin, what can you set in motion with more than just a coin?  I believe in you and all you have to offer to so many.  Where do we start? Let's begin to look at the "coins" we currently have in our lives.  Let's bring those together with the talents and gifts of others and make a symphony of our own.  What do you think?  So, what's NEXT for you?

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