Stop and Smell the Roses

I realize that most of us have heard this phrase many times.  Yet, I must confess that I continue to pursue a lifestyle where I go crazy when I have to remain silent for an entire day or even a portion of that day.
So, I am starting one of my New Year's resolutions early.  I am striving to better understand and value the art of being still.  OK, it's easy to (literally) smell the roses when I am in my back yard taking care of my bushes.  But to encorporate this life lesson (and model it to my wife and kids) I have taken drastic measures.  For example, I now will fill my truck with gas at 6am in the morning at my favorite gas station. I can do this with a great deal of forward thinking and planning. At this time of year, the sun has yet to rise and the gas attendant loves to talk. Had I not taken a moment to be still (even in this routine activity of mine), I would not have had the opportunity to get to know someone whom I normally would have just wisked by.  I really do notice more and listen better when I "slow down to smell the roses." I encourage you do the same and get a jump start on a great New Year's resolution through becoming great at the art of becoming still and smelling the roses.

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